Donald L. Hammen
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As I start to write, I am aware that the Trump inauguration is coming. When he leaves office, I will be 84 years old.    LOST AND SEARCHING I HAVE ADOPTED GUIDES The holidays … more
Stories and Journeys is three years old. Happy Birthday! An amazing human being by the name of Amy once observed that writing is how I process my life. Others have claimed to have made the same … more
As I start writing, it is as if my words are having to push through feelings of fear and a sense of something being lost. It feels like I am wanting to cry. I'm grieving as I write. It's Nov. 14. I'm … more
There comes a time when I am writing Stories and Journeys that I start to sense that I am done writing the column. It's time to click send to the publisher. At that point, I cease to be a writer and … more
I'm experiencing anxiety. As I begin to write this Stories and Journeys column, I am aware that I am without Internet service. That has just been confirmed with the over the phone help from my senior … more
I recently attended my first Minneapolis Advisory Committee on Aging meeting. I am convinced that in the city of Minneapolis elders/seniors don't exist. There is such a thing as the "Minneapolis for … more
UPDATE REGARDING DEWAYNE TOWNSEND AND MARCEA MARIANNI'S NEW REALITY Text message from Marcea July 3. DeWayne passed away around 10 p.m. July 2. An important voice and significant presence is no more … more
RECONNECTING WITH STORIES AND JOURNEYS From time to time I need to remind myself what I am tasked to do  when it comes to writing Stories and Journeys.I am tasked to write what I'm … more
IS THERE A RIFT BETWEEN THE MINNEAPOLIS REGIONAL RETIREES COUNCIL (AFL-CIO) AND ALL ELDERS UNITED FOR JUSTICE? "Building power through unity: All Elders United for Justice aims to bring power to … more
So far in 2024, I have been showing up for more meetings and events in-person or via Zoom. In person showing up has been enabled by three factors. 1) The mild winter weather enabling me to be out and … more
Dear Reader, you have continued to tell me your Medicare stories via .  A Southwest Connector reader, Judy M., has written to tell me her Medicare … more
Welcome to the start of year three for Stories and Journeys. Welcome to the start of year eight of my retirement journey including Medicare plus supplement. Another reader has told me their take on … more
Dec. 7 has come and gone. Medicare Open Enrollment has ended for 2023. Yet it feels like the engagement with me and Medicare has just begun again. So, if you have read this far you have taken the … more
MORE ON MEDICARE DURING  OPEN ENROLLMENT This is more about what I am thinking, learning experiencing in my life as an elder. In the interest of full disclosure, as I write I am wearing my … more
HERE'S MY MEDICARE STORY. WHAT'S YOURS? This is a time during fall to make changes in one's Medicare plan. I am making my way through my seventh year of retirement and enrolled in Medicare. In … more
Celebrating the Resurfacing of 46th Ave. I still get ecstatic along with neighbors I know. I'm looking outside at a resurfaced 46th Ave. between 38th St. and 46th Street. Thanks to Minneapolis Public … more
Dear Reader: This column is about signs of cpring showing up in my life experiences and awareness. So, buckle up! If you have read this far you have taken the plunge into the river (flow) of life … more
I have recently been made aware that TMC Publications CO, which includes the Longfellow Nokomis Messenger, Southwest Connector, and Midway Como Frogtown Monitor, received 20 awards at the recently … more
Each day since writing the last Stories and Journeys column, I have been checking the obituries in the newspapers I read. None of them are mine. So, here I go again.Before starting to write this … more
As far as I can tell I haven't died. I am writing this column. The service will take place at Lakewood Cemetery, the site of my internment. Details to follow. The theme of the service will be coming … more
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