City Briefs - August 2024


Early voting
Early voting for the state primary election for Aug. 13 started on June 28. People who wish to vote early can do so in person at the Early Vote Center, 980 E. Hennepin Ave. or by mail. The general election will be held on Nov. 5.

Traffic Safety Camera Pilot
The city is preparing to provide automated enforcement of traffic laws following the state law change that now allows cameras to be used to enforce speeding and traffic light laws and authorizes a 4-year pilot for Minneapolis and Mendota Heights for speeding and red light running to go from Aug. 1, 2025-July 31, 2029. According to report presented on July 11, 33 people were killed in crashes involving speeding/red light running in Minneapolis in 2022 and 2023. City staff hope to start the pilot with roughly five cameras as early as Aug. 1, 2025 and expand it in 2026. Later this month they hope to apply for federal grant to help cover costs and return to the council for pilot framework approval this fall with more community engagement in early 2025.

Lake Street Safety Coordinator
The city has selected the Lake Street Council to hire and supervise a full-time Community Safety Coordinator to manage a Lake Street Public Safety Coordinator Pilot Program from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026. The coordinator would work with residents, businesses, other community members and city staff to improve safety along Lake Street from Pillsbury Ave. to the West, 28th St. to the North, Hiawatha Ave. to the East, and 32nd St. to the South.

Lake Street Safety Center lease
The council has approved a 24-month lease agreement with Wellington Management of $281,187.77, for the Lake Street Community Safety Center at 2228 Lake St. E.

Vacant building ordinance strengthened
The Minneapolis City Council has amended its vacant building ordinance to better recover costs and, hopefully, encourage property owners to get their properties off the vacancy property list sooner. The new ordinance can result in property owners receiving up to $2,000 a month in fines.

Community Commission on Police Oversight
The city council has approved new appointees to their police oversight commission. New southside appointees include Amiin Dakane for Ward 6 and Bridgette Stewart for Ward 8.

Midtown Greenway Plan
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is exploring the addition of the Greenway to the Metropolitan Council’s regional trail system. The draft plan needed to do so is now open for public comment until Aug. 5. A public hearing will then likely be held later this year. The plan needs to be approved by MPRB and Metropolitan Council before implementation. For more information, visit 


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