Building a Stronger Minnesota: The Need for Inclusive Zoning Reform
I’ve lived in Minnesota for nearly 30 years. One of the things I love about this state is the sense of community and belonging. However, I’m concerned about the community’s future due to the lack of new, climate-secure housing being built statewide.
Exclusionary zoning laws, some of which were enacted during the days of redlining, have helped lead to a shortage of at least 100,000 homes in our state. This drives up home prices and rent. There is simply not enough housing for all of our community members.
Everyone in Minnesota should have access to affordable and climate-secure housing. To do this, we must create more housing options and end exclusionary zoning. Inclusive zoning reform opens us up to more connected communities and provides stability for families and future generations to thrive. I urge you to join me in asking our legislators to take action this session on passing zoning reform in Minnesota.
Lauren Rosenberg
Morris Park
Penny Wise and Pound Foolish –
The old phrase “penny wise and pound foolish” captures the short-sightedness of grabbing gains in the near term at the expense of greater gains over the long term. “Penny wise” is our new administration’s greed-driven neglect of the climate emergency that swamped Asheville and is torching LA. Exiting the Paris Climate Accords while shouting “drill baby drill,” axing clean energy incentives that make heat pumps and electric cars more affordable, ramping up LNG (methane) exports to bolster the appearance of a profitable economy, and blaming victims of climate disasters for their losses – these are short-sighted, visionless moves by American leaders who deny calamitous climate realities in favor of short-term profit. This “head-in-the-sand” abrogation of leadership fails our grandchildren.
Elders Climate Action members seek to act as “good ancestors” mindful of future generations. Bad ancestry is behaving as if tomorrow is not ours to care for.
The surging climate disaster will not retreat. Nor will the great work people everywhere are doing despite the “hoax” narrative. We continue to grapple with climate challenges undaunted by irresponsible rhetoric. In Minneapolis and communities across our country carbon-free geothermal networks are heating and cooling homes, businesses, and schools. Wind and solar are powering lives. Millions are eating less meat (especially beef), getting more protein from climate-friendly plant sources, and saving hundreds of dollars and tons of CO2 yearly by driving electric vehicles.
Keep it going! Let’s act as the ancestors our children and grandchildren need.
Elders Climate Action Twin Cities members: Todd Bartholomay, Arlene Mathison, Joan Stockinger, Paul Thompson, Katy Lowery, Barbara LaRose, Mickey O'Kane
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